Finding Your Ideal Jewish Match
Tips for finding your ideal Jewish match
You have finally decided to take the plunge and join an Jewish online dating website. You are highly enthusiastic to begin with you go through a dozen profiles everyday and every weekend you try to set up a conversation with someone, but to no avail. After a few such fruitless attempts, you are beginning to lose hope and are wondering if there could be something you could do that would help you find your ideal Jewish match. Absolutely – here are a few tips that should help you find success when you date online.
Work on your dating profile: When you date online, you do not have to be worried about looking your absolute best but you have to worry about your profile sounding the absolute best. Consider how much time you spend on each profile and then imagine someone else reading yours in that much time. Have you written clearly enough and sufficiently enough to make an impression? Follow the guidelines given below for writing up a good dating profile.
Your profile has to be impressive enough but also honest and frank. Do not boast about being able to write sonnets because you think it will impress the girls when you find it hard to answer in anything other than monosyllables.
Do mention what is different about you – mention a few details that will set you apart from the rest.
When you mention hobbies, mention genuine hobbies and give more details about what you like to do as part of your hobby. If you like reading, mention the latest book you have read and why you liked it.
Give as many details as you think necessary but do not overdo it. Just provide enough to grab the other person’s attention and make him or her want to start a conversation with you.
Not many people like to go in for dates with faceless people. A name associated with a face is bound to be considered more trustworthy. In fact, most online dating sites claim that by merely including your photo with your profile, you increase the chances of positive replies by more than 50%. If you are unhappy with the way you look, the solution is not to post a photo of a younger you or a leaner you. Remember the truth is bound to come out at some point. Instead, spend some money and get a professional to take a good, hopefully flattering picture of you that you can then put up.
While you may be a naturally shy person, remember the advantage of online dating is the complete privacy it affords you. Do not be shy about looking up too many profiles else how will you able to make the right choice? Make a short list of people you think share common interests with you and invite them for conversations, either over email or in chat rooms. Remember, an invitation to chat is just that – it does mean a date. Only if things go well and the two of you hit it off, you may want to consider going on an actual date.
By following the tips given above, you will certainly increase your chances of finding the ideal match for you through Jewish online dating.