Dating Info

I'm looking for     woman
Partner age preferences     45 - 50
Relationship Type    Friend/Activity Partner
Long Term Relationship
Marriage & Kids
Relationship status    Divorced
Kids    Have kids that don't live with me

Personal Info
My Age    64    
My Height          5'9''/176cm
My Weight            194 lb (88 kg)
Nationality / Religion    Culturally Jewish
Ethnicity     European Ethnic (Ashkenazi)
Kosher     Not Kosher
Languages:    Russian
Body Type     About Average
Hair Color     Gray
Eyes Color     Gray
Qualifications     Different
Employment / Occupation    
Occupation Field:     Business management
Income level     I have an average income
Residence     I live in my own apartment / house
Vehicle Ownership     Use private vehicle
Smoking Habits     Non-smoker
Drinking Habits     Drink socially
Poll votings
Do you think you should talk to your new partner about past relationships?    No, it's better not to mention past relationships and focus on the present.   