Dating Info

I'm looking for     man
Partner age preferences     50 - 65
Relationship Type    Friend/Activity Partner
Long Term Relationship
Relationship status    Never was married

Personal Info
My Age    58    
My Height          5'1''/154cm
Nationality / Religion    Orthodoxy
Languages:    Russian
Psychological Portrait
The most important qualities in a partner for me are: The ability to listen to another,
Love for romance,
Sensuality in bed
For me, the most important thing in a partnership is: Decency and respect for each other
I categorically dislike the people around me: Envy,
I would choose the following countries for life: Israel
Countries I would never choose to live in: Kazakhstan ,
My preferences / favorite free time activities: Enjoy the music,
Creative / creative / handmade
My favorite styles of music are: Jazz,
Popular music,
Author's Song
In a situation of conflict with a partner, I: I am trying to find a compromise
How important is the relationship with the parents of my chosen one / my chosen one for me: Seeing your parents often is so great!
The main problem in the pair, in my opinion, is: When a partner lives his own life, not considering the interests of the partner.,
When one of the partners keeps looking at the opposite sex.,
If one of the partners is not sure of himself and is always looking for support in the other.