Hey there, wonderful people! I'm Tania, a 51-year-old woman residing in the beautiful city of Haifa, Israel. Excited to be here on this Jewish Jewish Dating Site, hoping to find that special someone who shares my journey in life.

I'm looking for a fantastic man between the ages of 42 and 50, with whom I can form a virtual connection or explore possibilities of friendship, romantic relationships, and long-lasting commitments. As for my personal status, I am divorced and have children who live with me, bringing joy to my life every day.

Let me tell you a bit about myself. At 5 feet 3 inches (160 cm) tall, I'm grateful for everything that life has bestowed upon me. I have a deep appreciation for my family, friends, and all the blessings that come my way, making me a truly happy person.

When it comes to languages, I'm proficient in Hebrew, Russian, and Ukrainian, making communication diverse and enjoyable. My hair is luscious black, and my captivating brown eyes speak volumes about my inner spirit. I have completed my education at the secondary level and currently work, providing me with an above-average income.

Now, let's dive into my interests and passions. I have a keen interest in psychology, and I find solace in the soulful rhythms of jazz and blues. Cultural pursuits like theater and museums also resonate with me deeply, enriching my life in so many ways.

As for what I'm seeking in a partner, I yearn to find someone who is a kindred spirit – someone with whom I can connect on a soulful level. Finding that special person who shares my values and passions is what I hope to discover on this journey.

So, if you feel a connection with someone who appreciates life's blessings and seeks a soulful connection, then look no further. Let's embark on this exciting adventure together and see where it takes us.