Hi there! I'm Irina, and I'm 51 years old from Lod, Israel. My zodiac sign is Leo. I believe that the key to a good life is to leave places that don't make you happy.

Let's talk about what I'm looking for:

I want to meet a Man between the ages of 48 and 54. I'm open to various types of relationships, including virtual connections, friendships, romantic relationships, and long-term partnerships.

Here are some personal details about me:

  • Age: I'm 51 years old.
  • Height: I'm 5 feet 4 inches tall (163 cm).
  • Weight: I weigh 132 pounds (60 kg).
  • Nationality/Religion: I identify as an atheist.
  • Ethnicity: I have a European background.
  • Languages: I speak Hebrew and Russian.
  • Body type: I have a sporty physique.
  • Hair color: My hair is black.
  • Eye color: I have blue eyes.
  • Education: I have a degree at the first level.
  • Occupation: I work and study in the field of technology and engineering.
  • Housing: I currently rent an apartment.
  • Transportation: I have my own vehicle.
  • Smoking: I don't smoke.
  • Alcohol: I drink alcohol only in social settings or at parties.

A little bit about me:

I check my email regularly. I consider myself interesting, pleasant, and with a sense of humor. I'm looking to meet a man for long-term connections, and time will tell how things unfold. I value mutual understanding, friendship, and shared interests. Our desires manifest in the material world!

My interests and hobbies include studying, sports activities, and traveling.

What I'm looking for in a partner:

As they say,  "Seek and you shall find!" Some people come online for entertainment, some to read poetry... and some come with the hope of finding happiness and encountering their true love! You sit there chatting, quickly typing words... and suddenly you realize, "Oh, my God! This one... This one is my soulmate! " In the online world, souls and thoughts meet, and in reality, it starts with bodies! So, who will tell me, what's more important? Which beauty is more necessary? Some may say the virtual world is just a toy... For many, it's an empty game! Perhaps, I won't argue, but real people and genuine emotions are ALWAYS involved.

That's a glimpse into who I am and what I'm looking for. If you think we could be a match, let's connect and see where it takes us. Love and happiness might be just a click away!