Dating Info

I'm looking for     woman
Relationship Type    Dating
Long Term Relationship
Relationship status    Never was married
Kids    Have kids that don't live with me

Personal Info
My Age    55    
My Height          5'11''/180cm
My Weight            233 lb (106 kg)
Nationality / Religion    Culturally Jewish
Languages:    Hebrew
Body Type     Curvy
Qualifications     Bachelor's Degree
Employment / Occupation     I've a business
Income level     I have an average income
Residence     I live in my own apartment / house
Vehicle Ownership     Use private vehicle
Smoking Habits     Non-smoker
Drinking Habits     Drink socially
Psychological Portrait
The most important qualities in a partner for me are: Confidence,
Ability to laugh,
The ability to listen to another
For me, the most important thing in a partnership is: Ability to trust a partner,
Mutual understanding,
Decency and respect for each other
I categorically dislike the people around me: Anger,
I would choose the following countries for life: Israel
Countries I would never choose to live in: India ,
Kazakhstan ,
My preferences / favorite free time activities: Traveling around the world,
Time with friends,
Reading good literature,
Household chores,
Growing your business
I prefer sports: Swimming
My favorite styles of music are: Chanson,
Popular music,
Author's Song
The best evening for me is: Sit at the computer,
Read a book / newspaper / magazine,
Get some fresh air
In a situation of conflict with a partner, I: I am trying to understand a loved one,
I am trying to find a compromise
How important is the relationship with the parents of my chosen one / my chosen one for me: It's important, because helping our parents is our responsibility
The main problem in the pair, in my opinion, is: When a partner lives his own life, not considering the interests of the partner.
For me, personal space in a pair is: Fitness, read a book, watch a movie, personal hobbies
Being honest with your partner is: First, deal with yourself and your feelings,
Be yourself - and respect your partner's right to be yourself