Dating Info

I'm looking for     woman
Partner age preferences     25 - 40
Relationship Type    Dating
Relationship status    Married

Personal Info
My Age    58    
My Height          5'9''/175cm
Languages:    Hebrew
Body Type     About Average
Eyes Color     Blue
Employment / Occupation     I've a business
Smoking Habits     Smoke regularly
Drinking Habits     Drink socially
Psychological Portrait
The most important qualities in a partner for me are: Confidence,
Love for romance,
Sensuality in bed
For me, the most important thing in a partnership is: Balance and harmony,
Mutual understanding,
Understanding the partner's needs
I categorically dislike the people around me: Frivolity,
My preferences / favorite free time activities: Solitude in the wilderness,
Hunt or fish,
Fitness, sports,
Learning new things
The best evening for me is: Go to a good restaurant,
Have passionate sex
For me, the ideal date is: Sex - what could be better?
For me, the ideal relationship is a couple: If a couple always has passionate sex
For me, personal space in a pair is: Do what I like
Being honest with your partner is: Always and everywhere express to your partner what you think of him,
Be yourself - and respect your partner's right to be yourself