Dating Info

I'm looking for     woman
Partner age preferences     35 - 40
Relationship Type    Virtual Dating
Long Term Relationship
Relationship status    Never was married
Kids    No kids

Personal Info
My Age    43    
My Height          5'7''/170cm
My Weight            187 lb (85 kg)
Nationality / Religion    Culturally Jewish
Ethnicity     European Ethnic (Ashkenazi)
Languages:    Hebrew
Body Type     A few extra paund
Hair Color     Blond
Eyes Color     Blue
Qualifications     High School
Employment / Occupation     Working
Occupation Field:     Production
Income level     I have an average income
Residence     I rent an apartment
Vehicle Ownership     Use private vehicle
Smoking Habits     Smoke regularly
Drinking Habits     Drink socially
Poll votings
How often do you like to go out with friends?    Often: at least twice a week   
How do you feel about pets?    I like pets, but I prefer not to have them   
How important is your partner's appearance to you?    Very important - I appreciate a nice partner   
Are you looking for a casual or serious relationship?    Everything is open. I do not exclude any type of relationship.   
Do you prefer a partner with or without children?    Unsure of one's preferences regarding the choice of a partner with or without children yet.   
How tall do you prefer your partner?    Below me.   
How important is it that your partner has similar interests and hobbies?    Very important - I appreciate having shared activities to enjoy together.   
How important is it that your partner be physically compatible?    Very important - I value a strong physical connection with my partner.   