Hey there! I'm Viktoriia, and I'm coming to you all the way from Warsaw, Poland. Welcome to my little corner of the Jewish dating universe, where I'm hoping to connect with someone special. 

So, let's dive right into it. I'm in search of a man who can make my heart skip a beat, someone with whom I can build a future filled with love and understanding. My ideal partner falls within the age range of 45 to 65, and the ultimate goal for me is to find a loving partner for a lasting marriage. 

A bit about my personal background – I'm a divorced woman with children who are now living independently. My zodiac sign is Gemini, which means I've got that dual nature going on – the ability to adapt and connect on various levels.  

In terms of physical attributes, I stand at 5 feet 4 inches tall and weigh 134 pounds. I'm of European descent and, while I don't strictly observe all the laws of Kashrut, I do follow some of the dietary guidelines.  

When it comes to languages, I'm fluent in both Russian and Polish, and I'm open to the possibility of relocating to another country for the right person. I've got a fuller figure, with chestnut hair and captivating green eyes. My educational background includes achieving a second-degree qualification, and I'm currently working to support myself. 

In terms of finances, I'm in the middle of the road with an average income. I have my own cozy place, a home to call my own, and I rely on public transportation to get around. Smoking isn't my thing, and I only indulge in alcohol when I'm in the company of friends or at social gatherings. 

Now, let's talk a bit about me as a person. I'm someone who's searching for love and mutual understanding. I've already done my share of thinking about the future, especially when it comes to the possibility of having children. These days, I find myself pondering about myself and the world around me. I yearn for the company of an intelligent and empathetic individual, someone who knows what they want out of life. 

As for my interests and passions, it's quite simple – life itself. I'm passionate about experiencing all that life has to offer, from its simplest pleasures to its grand adventures. 

And now, let's discuss what I'm looking for in a partner. I value intellect, the desire to continue living life to the fullest, and a deep sense of responsibility and opportunity. Ultimately, I'm seeking a man who can walk beside me on this journey called life. 

So, if you find yourself navigating the vast Jewish dating service and resonate with what I've shared here, don't hesitate to reach out. Who knows, perhaps we'll be the perfect match on this Jewish dating platform, exploring the depths of love and understanding together.