Hey there, I'm Lena, hailing from the vibrant city of Moscow, Russia. Welcome to my little corner of the Jewish dating service! I'm here to share a bit about myself in the hope of connecting with someone special. So, grab a cup of your favorite beverage, get comfy, and let's dive into my world. 

First things first, I'm on the lookout for a man within the age range of 48 to 54. You see, I'm not just here for a casual fling; I'm all about finding a partner for a meaningful journey through life. As for my own status, I'm divorced and have children who have ventured into the world on their own. 

Now, let's get into some specifics. I'm a Capricorn, standing at 5 feet 6 inches tall and weighing in at 150 pounds. Yep, I've converted those metrics for you. My heritage is deeply rooted in European soil, and I follow the Jewish faith, though I consider myself more of a secular Jew. Keeping kosher? You bet, I adhere to those dietary laws. 

Language-wise, I'm fluent in Russian, but I'm open to the possibility of relocating to another country. I'd describe my body type as average, with a mane of russet hair and emerald green eyes that tend to reflect my adventurous spirit. 

As for my education, I hold not one, not two, but three degrees. I'm an economist, a lawyer, and even a mining engineer – talk about a versatile skill set! I'm also a pacifist at heart, valuing peace and harmony in all aspects of life. Oh, and let's not forget about my love affair with automobiles – life without them is unimaginable for me. I enjoy hitting the open road and exploring new places behind the wheel. 

Currently, I reside in the heart of Moscow, near Trubnaya. Now, here's something not mentioned in the dating site's template – I have four wonderful children. My eldest daughter graduated from MGIMO and is happily married, while my son is pursuing his master's degree. Another son of mine has made a home in Serbia, and my youngest daughter, who's 10 years old, is studying at a Jewish school. They are my pride and joy, and they've filled my life with love and laughter. 

I'm at a stage in life where I'm looking to find that missing puzzle piece in my already happy world. I've got a lot to offer, and I'm seeking someone who shares my zest for life and adventure. 

Now, let's talk about my interests and passions. I absolutely adore road trips, indulging in culinary adventures, and engaging in volunteer work. There's something so fulfilling about giving back to the community and making a positive impact on the world. 

So, what am I searching for in a partner on this Jewish dating website? Well, first and foremost, I'm seeking a man who's a devout Jew, someone who's as passionate about the faith as I am. I'm a regular attendee at the synagogue, and it's important that we share this connection. Additionally, I'm not interested in connecting with individuals who are still searching for their own purpose in life. I'm looking for someone who's already found their path and is ready to walk it with me. 

In conclusion, my journey on this Jewish dating platform is all about finding that special someone who'll complement my life and share in my adventures. So, if you think we could be a match, don't hesitate to reach out. Let's explore this exciting chapter of our lives together in the rich tapestry of the Jewish dating community.