Dating Info

I'm looking for     woman
Partner age preferences     20 - 29
Relationship Type    Long Term Relationship
Relationship status    Never was married
Kids    No kids

Personal Info
My Age    29    
My Height          5'11''/180cm
My Weight            154 lb (70 kg)
Nationality / Religion    Culturally Jewish
Ethnicity     European Ethnic (Ashkenazi)
Kosher     Not Kosher
Languages:    Russian
Body Type     Athletic/Fit
Hair Color     Brown
Eyes Color     Brown
Qualifications     Bachelor's Degree
Employment / Occupation     Working
Occupation Field:     Healthcare
Income level     I have an average income
Residence     I rent an apartment
Vehicle Ownership     Use private vehicle
Smoking Habits     Non-smoker
Drinking Habits     Drink socially
Poll votings
How do you feel about pets?    I love animals. I have pets or plan to have them in the future   