Dating Info

I'm looking for     man
Partner age preferences     44 - 61
Relationship Type    Friend/Activity Partner
Long Term Relationship
Relationship status    Divorced
Kids    Have kids and they live with me

Personal Info
My Age    44    
My Height          5'5''/165cm
My Weight            127 lb (58 kg)
Nationality / Religion    Culturally Jewish
Ethnicity     Sephardic Ethnic
Kosher     Not Kosher
Languages:    Russian
Body Type     Athletic/Fit
Hair Color     Black
Eyes Color     Brown
Qualifications     Master's Degree
Employment / Occupation     Working
Income level     I have an average income
Residence     I live in my own apartment / house
Vehicle Ownership     Use private vehicle
Smoking Habits     Non-smoker
Drinking Habits     Never drink
Poll votings
How important is it to you to keep fit?    Very important, I prioritize staying fit and healthy   
How important is your partner's appearance to you?    Doesn't matter - I prefer other qualities over looks.   
How important is financial stability in a potential partner?    Extremely important - I'm looking for a financially secure partner.   