My gifts
Alex - GIFTS

My rating62

I was chosen as a "Princess"
Roman, 41  , Bonn, Germany

Dating Info

I'm looking for     man
Partner age preferences     34 - 47
Relationship Type    Friend/Activity Partner
Marriage & Kids
Relationship status    Never was married

Personal Info
My Age    37    
My Height          5'7''/170cm
My Weight            121 lb (55 kg)
Nationality / Religion    Different
Ethnicity     European Ethnic (Ashkenazi)
Languages:    Russian
Possibility of Relocation     I agree to move to another country
Body Type     Athletic/Fit
Hair Color     Brown
Eyes Color     Blue
Qualifications     Bachelor's Degree
Occupation Field:     Civil services
Income level     I have an average income
Residence     I live in my own apartment / house
Vehicle Ownership     Use private vehicle
Smoking Habits     Non-smoker
Drinking Habits     Never drink
Poll votings
How important is it to you to keep fit?    Somewhat important, I like to be in good physical shape, but it's not my top priority   
How often do you like to go out with friends?    Rarely: no more than once a week   
How do you feel about pets?    I like pets, but I prefer not to have them   
How important is your partner's appearance to you?    Moderately important - balance between appearance and personality matters.   
Do you prefer a partner with or without children?    If my partner has children, it doesn't matter to me.   
How tall do you prefer your partner?    Above me.   
How important is it that your partner has similar interests and hobbies?    Moderately important - some shared interests are nice but not the deciding factor.   
How important is financial stability in a potential partner?    Moderately important - financial stability is one factor, but not the main one.   
How important is it that your partner be physically compatible?    Moderately important - physical compatibility matters but is not a major consideration.   
How long do you usually chat in correspondence before meeting for the first time?    Depends on the situation and the person.   
What do you think is the best way to get to know each other?    Through mutual friends or acquaintances.   
Do you think you should talk to your new partner about past relationships?    No, it's better not to mention past relationships and focus on the present.   
How does your partner's penchant for black humor affect you?    Depends on the context and content of specific jokes.   
How long have you been single since your last relationship?    About a year.   
Do you believe in the possibility of a sincere friendship between a man and a woman?    No, I believe that sooner or later sexual or romantic mixed feelings emerge.   
Do you consider it possible to remain in a friendship relationship with your ex/ her?    No, I think it's better to cut all ties after a breakup and move forward.   
How does the state of being in love affect your performance?    It doesn't affect my performance in any way, I know how to separate my personal life from work.   
How important is your partner's sense of humor to you?    A sense of humor is a very important quality to me, and I appreciate a partner who can cheer me up and share funny moments.   