Dating Info

I'm looking for     woman
Partner age preferences     20 - 35
Relationship Type    Marriage
Marriage & Kids
Relationship status    Never was married

Personal Info
My Age    27    
My Height          5'11''/181cm
My Weight            132 lb (60 kg)
Nationality / Religion    Judaism: religiously Jewish
Ethnicity     African Ethnic
Kosher     Kosher at home only
Languages:    English
Possibility of Relocation     I agree to move to another country
Body Type     Muscular
Hair Color     Black
Eyes Color     Black
Employment / Occupation     I'm unemployed
Occupation Field:     Personal care and service
Income level     I have an average income
Residence     I rent an apartment
Vehicle Ownership     Use public transport
Smoking Habits     Non-smoker
Drinking Habits     Never drink
About myself I’m religious and torah lover
My interests and hobbies Religious women
Things I want in a partner Of course