Hi there! My name is Ernestina, and I'm currently living in Tel Aviv, Israel. I'm on this Jewish Jewish Dating Site in search of a genuine connection with a wonderful man. My ideal partner would be between the ages of 48 and 60, and I'm open to various types of relationships, whether it's friendship, casual dating, long-term commitment, or even marriage. As a widow, I have children who live independently.

Being an Aquarius, I stand at 5 feet 4 inches tall and weigh 165 pounds. I have a regular body type, and my blonde hair and blue eyes complement my appearance. I consider myself an atheist, and I am fluent in Russian.

My education background includes college, and I currently hold a job with an average income. I live in an apartment, and I prefer to use public transportation for my daily commute. I don't smoke, but I enjoy having a drink in the company of friends or at social gatherings.

When it comes to describing myself, I'd say I'm an optimistic, communicative, and sociable person. I believe in building connections with others and embracing the joy of life.

Among my interests and hobbies, I have a deep love for books, enjoy traveling to new places, take leisurely strolls, and engage in sports activities to stay active.

In a partner, I'm looking for mutual understanding, someone who can be a true friend and a beloved companion. I believe that a strong and loving relationship is built on genuine understanding and care for each other.

If you share similar interests and values, I'd love to get to know you better and see where our connection takes us. Let's embark on this exciting journey together and discover the beauty of companionship and love. Looking forward to connecting with you!