My gifts
אליהו - GIFTS
אליהו - GIFTS
מישל - GIFTS
מישל - GIFTS
מישל - GIFTS
Sergey - GIFTS
Gavriel - GIFTS
victor - GIFTS
תום - GIFTS
תום - GIFTS
Igor - GIFTS
Gennadiy - GIFTS
Irsil - GIFTS
Vanya - GIFTS

My rating25

Dating Info

I'm looking for     man
Relationship Type    Long Term Relationship
Marriage & Kids
Relationship status    Never was married
Kids    No kids

Personal Info
My Age    36    
My Height          5'6''/167cm
My Weight            112 lb (51 kg)
Languages:    Russian
Body Type     About Average
Hair Color     Blond
Eyes Color     Green
Qualifications     Some College
Employment / Occupation     Working
Occupation Field:     Office and administrative support
Income level     I have an average income
Residence     I live in my own apartment / house
Vehicle Ownership     Use private vehicle
Smoking Habits     Non-smoker
Drinking Habits     Never drink
About myself I am an open, living girl, not floating in the clouds and practical, accepting life as it is. I am sure that everyone gets what they deserve. I am attentive, cordial and kind - I like to be in the spotlight and enjoy even the simplest things. I have a cheerful, impulsive character, and my curiosity is simply limitless - my ideas never end. Friends say that I am especially able to amuse and inspire others, which I enjoy immensely - I am just a born source of energy. I prefer a spontaneous and unplanned lifestyle - I am easy to climb and ready for any adventure.
Psychological Portrait
The most important qualities in a partner for me are: Devotion,
Parental qualities ,
The ability to listen to another,
Sensuality in bed
For me, the most important thing in a partnership is: Passion,
Ability to trust a partner,
Mutual understanding
I categorically dislike the people around me: Anger,
I would choose the following countries for life: Germany,
Countries I would never choose to live in: Russia,
My preferences / favorite free time activities: Creative / creative / handmade,
Household chores,
Learning new things
I prefer sports: Bicycle,
My favorite styles of music are: Folk music,
Popular music
The best evening for me is: Read a book / newspaper / magazine,
Get some fresh air,
Meditate, do yoga
For me, the ideal date is: Picnic with your loved one,
Exciting shopping with a partner,
Sex - what could be better?
In a situation of conflict with a partner, I: I give an account that conflicts are inevitable
I will prefer the following gift from a loved one: A trip to Europe for two,
Going to a play or movie premiere,
I can do without a gift - the main thing is that my loved one is near
How important is the relationship with the parents of my chosen one / my chosen one for me: It's important, because helping our parents is our responsibility
The main problem in the pair, in my opinion, is: When one of the partners decided that someone else would do all the housework for him.,
If one is in a pair all the time to shift the solution of all issues to the other.,
When a partner lives his own life, not considering the interests of the partner.
For me, the ideal relationship is a couple: If a couple always has passionate sex,
If a man and a woman took place as parents,
When they completely accept each other in everything
For me, personal space in a pair is: Chatting with friends and buddies without a partner
Being honest with your partner is: Talk about problems, but choose words, time and place,
First, deal with yourself and your feelings