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Dating Info

I'm looking for     woman
Partner age preferences     18 - 35
Relationship Type    Dating
Relationship status    Married
Kids    Have kids and they live with me

Personal Info
My Age    44    
My Height          5'9''/176cm
My Weight            189 lb (86 kg)
Languages:    English
Body Type     Curvy
Hair Color     Brown
Eyes Color     Blue
Qualifications     Bachelor's Degree
Employment / Occupation     Working
Smoking Habits     Smoke regularly
Drinking Habits     Drink socially
Psychological Portrait
The most important qualities in a partner for me are: Kindness,
Ability to laugh,
High intelligence and education,
Love for romance,
Sensuality in bed
For me, the most important thing in a partnership is: Ability to trust a partner,
The ability to inspire deeds,
Regular lovemaking
I categorically dislike the people around me: Anger,
I would choose the following countries for life: Israel ,
My preferences / favorite free time activities: Traveling around the world,
Time with friends,
Enjoy the music,
Creative / creative / handmade,
Household chores,
Learning new things
I prefer sports: Bicycle,
Skiing, snowboarding, skating,
My favorite styles of music are: Blues,
Ska, Rocksteady, Reggae
The best evening for me is: Make a delicious dinner,
Lie on the couch and watch TV,
Go to the movies together,
Set the table and invite guests or go to visit,
Have passionate sex
For me, the ideal date is: Dinner in a cool restaurant,
Walk along the promenade by the sea, relax on the beach,
Relax in a luxury hotel,
Have a great dinner together,
Sex - what could be better?
In a situation of conflict with a partner, I: I express everything that has boiled,
I am trying to find a compromise,
I give an account that conflicts are inevitable
I will prefer the following gift from a loved one: Cozy breakfast for two,
Extreme / parachute jumping,
Hand-made thing created by her / his hands
How important is the relationship with the parents of my chosen one / my chosen one for me: Why not?,
It's important, because helping our parents is our responsibility,
Of course it is important - we are one friendly family!,
Seeing your parents often is so great!
The main problem in the pair, in my opinion, is: If one is in a pair all the time to shift the solution of all issues to the other.,
If one of the partners prefers to be offended all the time.,
When a partner lives his own life, not considering the interests of the partner.
For me, the ideal relationship is a couple: If a couple always has passionate sex,
If a man and a woman took place as parents,
When there is sincerity and care for each other in a relationship
For me, personal space in a pair is: Fitness, read a book, watch a movie, personal hobbies
Being honest with your partner is: Always and everywhere express to your partner what you think of him,
First, deal with yourself and your feelings,
Be yourself - and respect your partner's right to be yourself