Hey there! My name is Julia, and I'm a 40-year-old from Izhevsk, Russia. I'm an Aquarius, in case you're into astrology!

Let's talk about what I'm looking for:

I'm interested in meeting a man between the ages of 35 and 55. My priorities for a relationship include seeking a partner for marriage and starting a family, as I don't have children but would like to have them in the future.

Now, let me share some personal details:

  • Age: I'm 40 years old.
  • Height: I'm 5 feet 4 inches tall (164 cm).
  • Weight: I weigh 132 pounds (60 kg).
  • Nationality/Religion: I identify as Jewish but not religious.
  • Ethnicity: I have a mixed ethnic background.
  • Observance of Kashrut: I don't follow kosher dietary laws.
  • Languages: I speak Russian and English.
  • Willingness to relocate: I'm open to moving to another country.
  • Body type: I have a solid build.
  • Hair color: I have blonde hair.
  • Eye color: My eyes are blue.
  • Education: I have a bachelor's degree.
  • Occupation: I have my own business and work in marketing, sales, and service.
  • Socioeconomic status: I have a moderate income.
  • Housing: I live in my own apartment/house.
  • Transportation: I use public transportation to get around.
  • Smoking: I don't smoke.
  • Alcohol: I don't drink at all!

Here's a little more about me:

I'm sociable, kind, and organized. I love nature and animals, and I have a cat as a pet. Some of my interests and hobbies include sewing, design, cooking, baking, learning foreign languages, music, and cinema.

Now, let's talk about what I'm looking for in a partner:

I'm seeking a reliable, understanding, and sincere friend without any harmful habits. I appreciate a calm and balanced person who doesn't have excessively high expectations of women. I'm also open to getting to know a widower or someone with children from a previous marriage, as long as the children are not older than 7 years.

If you think we might click, don't hesitate to reach out!