My name is Alexander, and I'm excited to be a part of this Jewish Jewish Dating Site. Let me introduce myself and share what I'm looking for in a partner.

I'm a 26-year-old Leo from Yekaterinburg, Russia. As a Leo, I embrace my calm, patient, and kind nature. Alongside my work, I'm currently studying programming courses to expand my skills. During my free time, I enjoy reading, listening to music, and going for leisurely walks. When I'm in the mood, I love whipping up something delicious in the kitchen. Occasionally, my perfectionistic side shows itself. I prefer intimate conversations and the comfort of a cozy home over loud gatherings.

My interests and hobbies include sports, yoga, books, staying active, and culinary adventures.

Now, let's get into what I'm seeking in a partner. I'm looking to meet a woman between the ages of 22 and 32. I'm open to various types of connections, from virtual acquaintances to romantic relationships, with the potential for long-term commitment, marriage, and starting a family. Currently, I'm single and do not have any children.

In terms of personal details, I stand tall at 6 feet 5 inches (195 cm) and weigh 165 lbs (75 kg). I have European features, with chestnut hair and warm brown eyes. I'm fluent in Hebrew, Russian, English, and Yiddish. I'm also open to the possibility of moving to another country if the circumstances are right.

Physically, I have a sporty build and maintain an active lifestyle. I take pride in my appearance and cleanliness. I don't adhere strictly to kashrut practices, and I have my own transportation. I don't smoke, and I don't drink alcohol at all.

To sum it up, I'm a calm, patient, and kind-hearted young man. Alongside my work, I'm dedicated to expanding my knowledge through programming courses. In my free time, I enjoy reading, listening to music, and going for walks. I also have a knack for cooking something tasty when the mood strikes. While I'm occasionally a perfectionist, I prefer intimate conversations and the coziness of home over loud gatherings.

I'm looking for an intelligent, tidy, and goal-oriented woman with a slim physique, who values moral, spiritual, and family-oriented principles.

If you resonate with these qualities and are seeking a meaningful connection, I would love to meet you. Let's explore the possibilities of building a deep and fulfilling relationship together!