Hi there! I'm Edelina, coming to you from the vibrant city of Moscow, Russia. It's a pleasure to share a bit about myself with you, especially on this Jewish dating platform. Let's dive right in! 

First and foremost, I'm looking for a man, someone who can be a true companion in life's journey. I believe that the foundation of a strong relationship is built on trust, understanding, and shared values. If you're looking for the same, then we might be off to a great start! 

As for me, I'm a Pisces, known for my compassionate and empathetic nature. At 5 feet 6 inches tall and 126 pounds, I'd say I'm of average build. My hair is a lovely shade of brown, and my eyes are a deep, mysterious black. I've got an educational background with a bachelor's degree, and I'm currently working in the field of education. My income level is moderate, which allows me to live comfortably in my own apartment. 

When it comes to languages, I'm fluent in Russian and English, which helps me connect with people from different backgrounds. While I don't strictly adhere to kashrut, I respect those who do and am open to learning more about it. 

One of the most important aspects of my life is my family. I'm divorced and have children who live with me. They are my world, and I cherish the time we spend together. As a loving and caring mother, family values are close to my heart. 

Now, let me tell you a bit about my personality. I'm a social butterfly, always up for a good conversation and a hearty laugh. I have a great sense of humor and can find joy in the simplest of things. Life, to me, is a mix of optimism and a touch of realism. 

I have a deep appreciation for the arts, especially theater and musicals. There's something magical about the way stories come to life on stage. In my free time, you can often find me with a book in hand, exploring different worlds through literature. Reading is my escape, my way of gaining new perspectives. 

But it's not all about books and theater. I also have a passion for dance, and I find great joy in expressing myself through movement. Dancing allows me to connect with my inner self and explore the emotions that words can't always convey. 

My interests are diverse, ranging from psychology to medicine to self-improvement. I believe that continuous learning and personal growth are essential aspects of life. I'm always eager to discover new knowledge and insights. 

When it comes to finding a partner, I value qualities like support, understanding, and a good sense of humor. Life can throw its challenges our way, but having someone who can stand by your side with a smile can make all the difference. Mutual respect and the ability to appreciate each other's perspectives are equally important. 

So, here I am, on this Jewish dating site, hoping to connect with someone who shares my values and interests. If you believe that we might be a good match, don't hesitate to reach out. Let's explore the possibilities of a meaningful connection and see where this exciting journey takes us! 

Wishing you a day filled with positivity and warmth, 

Edelina ?