Dating Info

I'm looking for     woman
Partner age preferences     28 - 43
Relationship Type    Virtual Dating
Friend/Activity Partner
Long Term Relationship
Marriage & Kids
Relationship status    Divorced
Kids    Have kids that don't live with me

Personal Info
My Age    45    
My Height          5'9''/176cm
My Weight            147 lb (67 kg)
Nationality / Religion    Atheist
Ethnicity     Mixed Ethnic
Kosher     Kosher to some degree
Languages:    Hebrew
Body Type     Athletic/Fit
Hair Color     Brown
Eyes Color     Gray
Qualifications     Master's Degree
Employment / Occupation     Working
Occupation Field:     Computer and information technologies
Income level     I have an average income
Vehicle Ownership     Use public transport
Smoking Habits     Non-smoker
Drinking Habits     Never drink
Poll votings
How important is it to you to keep fit?    Somewhat important, I like to be in good physical shape, but it's not my top priority   
How often do you like to go out with friends?    Rarely: no more than once a week   
How do you feel about pets?    I like pets, but I prefer not to have them   
How important is your partner's appearance to you?    Moderately important - balance between appearance and personality matters.   
Are you looking for a casual or serious relationship?    Everything is open. I do not exclude any type of relationship.   
Do you prefer a partner with or without children?    If my partner has children, it doesn't matter to me.   
How tall do you prefer your partner?    Height doesn't matter.   
How important is it that your partner has similar interests and hobbies?    Moderately important - some shared interests are nice but not the deciding factor.   
How important is financial stability in a potential partner?    Moderately important - financial stability is one factor, but not the main one.   
How important is it that your partner be physically compatible?    Moderately important - physical compatibility matters but is not a major consideration.   
How long do you usually chat in correspondence before meeting for the first time?    Not long. I prefer to meet without a long correspondence.   
What do you think is the best way to get to know each other?    Through online acquaintances or apps.   
Do you think you should talk to your new partner about past relationships?    Yes, but only if it has a direct impact on the present relationship.   
How does your partner's penchant for black humor affect you?    Depends on the context and content of specific jokes.   
How long have you been single since your last relationship?    Two years or more.   
Do you believe in the possibility of a sincere friendship between a man and a woman?    Depends on the specific people and their interactions.   
Do you consider it possible to remain in a friendship relationship with your ex/ her?    Yes, but only if there was full awareness and mutual agreement to end the romantic relationship.   
How does the state of being in love affect your performance?    It has a positive effect on me, motivates me and increases my energy, which contributes to better performance.   
How important is your partner's sense of humor to you?    Not too important, I don't place much importance on a sense of humor and focus on other aspects of the relationship.   
How do you feel about the marriage contract?    I have a positive attitude toward prenuptial agreements and find them a useful tool for regulating rights and responsibilities in marriage.   
How important is your partner's zodiac sign to you?    Not too important, I don't give much importance to zodiac sign and focus on other aspects of the partnership.   
Do you have any experience with online dating?    Yes, I have had a history of online dating, but the results have been mixed or negative.   
Are you willing to give a second chance and agree to a second date after a failed first date?    Yes, but with some conditions or pre-discussions to correct first meeting mistakes or problems.   
Do you think a relationship where the man is younger than the woman has a future?    Depends on the specific circumstances and qualities of the relationship between a man and a woman.   
What do you think is the optimal age difference between partners in a couple?    A small age difference (1-5 years) provides more similar life stages and can promote better mutual understanding.   
Psychological Portrait
The most important qualities in a partner for me are: High intelligence and education,
For me, the most important thing in a partnership is: Ability to trust a partner,
Understanding the partner's needs,
Decency and respect for each other
I would choose the following countries for life: Australia,