Hey there, fellow members of this fantastic Jewish dating community! My name is Ira, and I'm here to introduce myself and open my heart to the possibility of a meaningful connection. I reside in the vibrant city of Holon, Israel, where life is filled with endless opportunities and exciting adventures. 

First and foremost, I want to express my desire to meet a wonderful man, aged between 49 to 56, who's also seeking friendship, a long-lasting relationship, and maybe even a chance to tie the knot in the future. As for my own relationship status, I'm currently going through a divorce, and I believe that life is all about embracing the journey and discovering new connections. 

Now, let's talk about some of the things that make me who I am. As a Libra, I find joy in creating harmony and balance in my life, and I stand at a lovely height of 5 feet 4 inches, with a warm and caring heart that weighs 165 pounds. 

When it comes to languages, I speak English and Russian fluently, and I believe that communication is the foundation of any strong relationship. Being able to express our thoughts and feelings freely is crucial, and I'm eager to connect on a deeper level with my potential partner. 

With mesmerizing chestnut hair and enchanting green eyes, I embrace the beauty of uniqueness and authenticity. I've got a thriving career, and I believe that having a passion for what we do brings happiness and fulfillment into our lives. 

Here's a glimpse into some of my interests and passions. I have an immense love for jazz and blues music – there's something about the soulful melodies that speak to my heart and create an atmosphere of serenity. Additionally, I have a soft spot for dogs, and their unconditional love never fails to brighten my day. 

One of my hobbies is indulging in the art of handmade creations. Whether it's crafting something beautiful or creating delightful surprises for my loved ones, I believe that every piece carries a part of our heart and soul. 

Speaking of heart and soul, dancing has always been my way of expressing myself. Whether it's swaying to the rhythm of a passionate tango or gliding gracefully across the dance floor, I find immense joy in the freedom of movement. 

Oh, and let's not forget about billiards! There's a delightful sense of competition and camaraderie that comes with the game, and I enjoy spending time in friendly matches with friends. 

In my future partner, I seek a beautiful and genuine quality – the ability to love and the desire to be loved. Honesty, trust, and communication are the pillars on which we can build a strong and lasting connection. 

So, to all the amazing men out there, if you're ready to embark on a journey of friendship, companionship, and love, I'm here with an open heart and a desire to discover what the future holds. Life is a symphony of possibilities, and I'm excited to share this chapter of my life with someone special. Until we meet, take care and keep shining your light!