Irina 39 · Saint Petersburg, Russia
Dating Info
Marriage & Kids
Personal Info
Psychological Portrait
Parental qualities
High intelligence and education
The ability to listen to another
Sensuality in bed
Balance and harmony
Mutual understanding
Decency and respect for each other
Israel span >
Nature walks
Time with friends
Household chores
Going to the cinema, to an exhibition, to a theater, a museum
Learning new things
Popular music
Make a delicious dinner
Go to the movies together
Read a book / newspaper / magazine
Get some fresh air
Picnic with your loved one
Have a great dinner together
Go to the cinema together
I am violently sorting out the relationship
I am trying to find a compromise
Ultramodern gadgets
A whole day in a water park or an amusement park
Hand-made thing created by her / his hands
It's important, because helping our parents is our responsibility
Of course it is important - we are one friendly family!
When one of the partners decided that someone else would do all the housework for him.
When a partner lives his own life, not considering the interests of the partner.
In case someone in a couple is constantly wasting their shared savings.
When partners are also good friends
When they completely accept each other in everything
When there is sincerity and care for each other in a relationship
The time you spend every day all alone
Talk about problems, but choose words, time and place
First, deal with yourself and your feelings
Be yourself - and respect your partner's right to be yourself