Hey everyone, I'm Tanya, a 56-year-old from Moscow, Russia. I'm looking to meet a man between the ages of 50 and 65. I'm open to various types of connections, including virtual communication, friendship, romantic relationships, and potentially building a family. I am currently divorced and have children who live separately.

Personal Details:

I'm 56 years old, and my zodiac sign is Cancer. I have a height of 5 feet 6 inches (168 cm) and weigh 150 pounds (68 kg). I have a European ethnic background. I don't adhere to kosher practices. I speak Russian and English. I'm open to the possibility of relocating to another country. In terms of body type, I have an average physique. I have brown hair. I have a college degree. I have a moderate income. I live in my own apartment/house. I have personal transportation. I don't smoke, but I enjoy having a drink occasionally.

About Me:

I'm here to connect with people, have conversations, and possibly find someone special to build a family with. I consider myself classy and pleasant in every sense. I haven't lost the joy for life.

My interests and hobbies include a love for nature, animals (I'm a dog enthusiast), both heavy and light music genres, practicing yoga, biking, and skiing during winter.

What I'm Looking For in a Partner:

I value easy communication, a sense of humor, and a clear mind.

My Preferences:

Favorite Movies: "Autumn Marathon," "Catch Me If You Can" Favorite TV Shows: "Fauda," "Breaking Bad" Favorite Books: Contemporary prose by Masha Traub Favorite Dish: Any dish prepared with passion and quality Favorite Singer: Annie Lennox Favorite Music: I enjoy various music styles, except for chanson, country, and bard songs. Favorite Actor: Yevgeny Mironov, Robert De Niro Favorite Actress: Meryl Streep Favorite Poet: I have never been fond of poetry since childhood. Favorite Artist: Kuindzhi, Plastov Favorite Director: Tim Burton Favorite Alcohol: Dry wines, occasional beer Favorite Type of Vacation: On vacation, nothing beats the sea, swimming and diving until I lose consciousness. On weekdays, a good TV series in the evening. Favorite Cuisine: Indian, Georgian, Lebanese Favorite Color: All shades of earth tones Favorite Holiday: None at the moment Favorite Sport: Volleyball Favorite Animal: Dogs Favorite Flower: Peony Favorite Season: Spring

Let's connect and see if we share common interests or spark a connection. Looking forward to getting to know you!