Dating Info

I'm looking for     man
Partner age preferences     25 - 30
Relationship Type    Virtual Dating
Friend/Activity Partner
Long Term Relationship
Relationship status    Never was married
Kids    No kids

Personal Info
My Age    22    
My Height          5'5''/165cm
My Weight            110 lb (50 kg)
Nationality / Religion    Culturally Jewish
Ethnicity     Sephardic Ethnic
Kosher     Kosher to some degree
Languages:    Russian
Body Type     About Average
Hair Color     Brown
Eyes Color     Brown
Qualifications     Some College
Employment / Occupation     Working
Occupation Field:     Personal care and service
Income level     I have an average income
Vehicle Ownership     Use public transport
Smoking Habits     Non-smoker
Drinking Habits     Drink socially
Psychological Portrait
The most important qualities in a partner for me are: Devotion,
Ability to laugh
For me, the most important thing in a partnership is: Ability to trust a partner,
Understanding the partner's needs,
Decency and respect for each other
I would choose the following countries for life: Israel ,
My preferences / favorite free time activities: Nature walks,
Enjoy the music,
Household chores
My favorite styles of music are: Classical music,
Popular music,
Electronic Music
In a situation of conflict with a partner, I: I am trying to understand a loved one,
I am trying to find a compromise